Wednesday, February 1, 2012

If there was no death before sin, why did God create creatures who can only survive by killing other creatures

T-Rex, teeth amazingly designed for crushing bone and tearing apart meat, binoculour vision amazingly designed for judging distance of prey. Why did God create T-rex to have such traits? If there was no death why did he give T-rex binocolour vision?

If there was no death why did he give snakes and spiders poison with specific toxocology designed and honed with no other concievable purpose but to KILL specific animals?

If Cheetah's were supposed to eat nothing but vegetation, why did he need to give them the ability to reach speeds, just capable of killing and dispacthing antelope? Why was a Cheetah designed for speed if he only needed to eat grass?

If there was no such, such predatory animals would have had to rely on vegetation to sustain themselves, but if we look at their digestive system, they are specifically designed for digesting meat. Animals that digest primarily plant matter have specially designed systems for it, Cows have 4 stomachs!.

If there was no death before sin, why did God create creatures who can only survive by killing other creatures
oooo the power of sin in the world ooo the power

good luck
Reply:He didn't......before sin ...all animals were vegetarian...Man had no fear of them.

Genesis 1: 29-30

" Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food." And it was so."
Reply:Good question.

So even though jews, christians, or muslims may not believe humans evolved from monkeys, they have to acknowledge that evolution exists (at least some form of evolution), since animals would have had to change from vegetarian animals to meat-eating animals.

To simply write it off as 'sin' is not a good answer, since animals didn't sin, and there was no need to punish them.
Reply:C.S. Lewis speculated that they were all vegetarians before the Fall of Man.

Not that I believe that nonsense myself, mind you, but once you accept start accepting things on faith, the sky's the limit.
Reply:Killing came in with sin. God didn't intend for animals/ppl to kill in order to survive.
Reply:i don't think animals should be responsible for sin.
Reply:A lion could live on a dog food combo. ;)
Reply:why are u asking us?we are not animals we are humans who have abilities that no other animal that we have encounted has,so may be the principal applies only to man.let me ask what if all the animals die of old age,will that be a sin?

first of all you never saw the trex and on top of that is man the same as a pig or lion or crocodile?ofcourse not they are animals who only know that they must feed to survive,what is there purpose then? but man ,well man thinks and acts and kills when to survive and even when not to survive.

also no one said there was no death before sin of that we have no knowledge

who said death was not meant to be?

and by the way all animals on earth kill for survival apart from can a chettah which cannot drive or cook or impose its will on a lion like man can on others.

ur right,a cheetah was not mant to feed on vegetation.i mean is killing a chicken the same weight as killing a man

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