Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Do anoles prefer to be kept in groups or alone?

I have several large yucca plants and ferns in my living room. I got an anole from someone and just let it live in my living room plants just for kicks. Surprisingly he has stayed in the plants and I feed him small spiders and crickets, misting him down on occasion. Would it be ok to add several more to my plants or would they fight?

Do anoles prefer to be kept in groups or alone?
You should keep it in a terrarium. I have 3 that get along in a 20 gallon that is filled with plants.
Reply:Molly is right. I would not let the Anoles roam free in your living room plants. They need a secure enclosure with plenty of room, plants, branches, and rocks to climb on. I have an anole that I keep in a 20 gallon aquarium and it is now 5 years old. I would not keep 2 males together because they can fight. Females, however, get along nicely. In the wild, Anoles live in groups. Don't pair a male and female unless you want babies. If so, you'll need an even larger tank! They tend to drink from water droplets, so mist the tank with water bottle and purchase or raise crickets and/or other small insects for them to eat. I give mine about a dozen crickets each week and coat them with a vitamin powder (available at your local pet store) They make wonderful pets to watch, but should not be handled frequently because they stess easily. Also, they need a source of UVB lighting because it omits vitamin D3, which is important for their overall well being. Hope the advice helps!
Reply:They are territorial. I wouldn't add more than one in another plant.
Reply:Oh my goodness. NO. You don't want those things breeding and running around in there. You need alot more than you have for them to stay healthy anyway, like heat, UVB/UVA bulbs, water, humidifier, calcium supplements, and more.

On the other hand, I guess if you have one, it'd be cool for it to have a friend. BUT if they get away from the plants and go somewhere else in the house, they will die.
Reply:Please, don't let it in just live in the living room. What if it does decide to explore. Here are the supplies you need to get it:

A 20 gallon tank


Calcium powder to dust the crickets

Paper towels as a substrate

Plants to climb on

You need to mist the cage down everyday, twice a day. Morning and night. He needs to eat crickets.

No buds unless they are females and it is a females. 2 males is a no no. They are territorial and can fight to the death.

Don't hold him/her too much too. Anoles can get stressed VERY easily. I have only come across one tame anole that I found in the wild, and let her go after I checked her over.

flowers and gifts

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