Sunday, January 8, 2012

Is there a spiritual reason, or any folklore, about laying dirt from a plant across a doorway?

My 2 year old is visiting her Grandmother in another city. She's been pulling dirt from a spider plant in my mother-in-law's livingroom and laying it across the door way. Now I know the obvious answer to this is that my daughter is 2, and I can readily accept that. Something about the action reminds me of things I used to read in folklore and haven't been able to locate now. I'm just curious if there is some kind of protection or invocation that ties in with leaving dirt in the doorway.

Is there a spiritual reason, or any folklore, about laying dirt from a plant across a doorway?
Salt represents Earth... but salt is "cleaner" so we use salt.

What better way to represent Earth, but by soil (plant dirt). I'd say she's keeping negativaty away by putting dirt at the door way.

Just because she's 2, doesn't mean that she's not getting messages from someone - usually a deceased family member.

Check out "The Ancient Ways". It's a book. I don't know if it's on a website or other medium. Blessed Be.
Reply:I've place salt across my door threshold before to protect me from harm.
Reply:I don't know any, but if you watched the Skeleton Key, with Kate Hudson, they put that in the movie so that may be what you are thinking of.
Reply:I don't know about a house plant, but red brick dust in front a doorway or window will keep the dead from passing the thrush. Also, the Jews in the old testament put blood on the threshold in order for the angle of death to pass them over. Hope this helps point you in the right direction.
Reply:I've heard of laying sea salt across doorways and windows to keep evil spirits out, but I haven't heard of plant dirt.

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