Monday, January 30, 2012

Why do mosquitoes like me so much and not my fiancee?

Two nights ago, I got 7 mosquito bites. Last night, I got 5 more. My fiancee hasn't got any. My mom always told me that mosquitoes liked my sweet blood, but I researched it and found this.

Why do mosquitoes bite? Actually, it is only the females that bite and they do so out of necessity ratther than pleasure. Female mosquitoes seek blood when they are preparing to lay eggs as they need the nourishment to produce healthy offspring. The mosquito's normal diet of plant juices contains none of the proteins a female needs in order to produce her eggs. For that, she needs a concentrated source of protein, which, unfortunately for us, is blood.

If this is true, why do the mosquitoes only bite me?

Also, some of them have started to turn purple. It's acting like a spider bite, and I've never had bites do this.

This is the irritated one

and the normal

Why do mosquitoes like me so much and not my fiancee?
I'm impressed with the homework you've already done. One way to look at mosquitoes is little sensory organs with wings. They are attracted by three things, dark colors (the color tone of most large animals), carbon dioxide, something every breathing creature produces, and skin odors that all mammals have. Many males produce more skin odor (not always perceptible to us) than females because of higher muscular metabolism. I know that going outside right after a shower draws far fewer mosquitoes than if I were to go out, say two hours later, because my personal skin odor is nearly gone. Mosquitoes can sense what is in the air with their antenna. I've heard wearing light colored clothing helps too. Good luck.
Reply:I'm not kidding you, i read that unlike men woman have sweeter skin. I also like to bite the ladys ;)
Reply:well u were a good target I think and if its actin like a spider bite EMEDIATLY see a docter
Reply:Your right in saying the female mosquito is the biter.

Your bites look nasty.

Why mosquitoes bite some people and not others is due to carbon dioxide we excrete through our skin and breath, including moisture, temperature, clothing colour and movement.

I hate mossie bites as I am allergic to them, and they leave huge welts, that are incredibly itchy.
Reply:mosquitos are attracted to a number of different things. your bites could be a result of you perfume/deodorant, you sweat, your race (believe it or not), the normal odor that your body has, and even the foods that you eat...

best advice try hard not to scratch...rubbing the area with alcohol may help

as a preventative measure you can try skin-so-soft by avon to help repel the nasty little bastards
Reply:Do you eat bananas? I know it sounds stupid, but I've heard that bananas make you smell in a certain way that attract mosquitoes. Anyway, just a thought.

FYI the same resource said that if you rub a Bounce dryer sheet on your skin they will stay away. It's worth a try, I'd say.
Reply:Using my best "Dr. House" diagnosis...

Normally, the mosquitoes would not be biting you, given you're AB negative blood type.


Mosquitoes are attracted to a certain kind of sweat...which you're kind of sweat would not normally attract...

So, this leads me to believe that...

Your fiancee has been trying to lose weight for the wedding by "sweating to the oldies, and this sweat has tainted your blood, the mix of which becomes a powerful mosquito attractant..."

And, of course, this means...

Your fiancee is gay...

I recommend you call the whole thing off, but if you decide to go through with it anyway...

Here's the phone numbers to Richard Simmons agent, and a good divorce attorney...

Next case...!!!
Reply:You're sweeter!

As long as you do not have a rash develope at the sight, that spreads or get a thick tongue or begin to have difficulty breathing, bites are simply a nuisance.
Reply:I don't know the answer, but they bite my wife and not me.
Reply:The mosquitoes doesn't like your fiancee!

Just use lotions or creams for anti mosquito bites before you go to bed to get rid off the mosquitoes.
Reply:Your fiancee may be stinks ,and it's the female that always harm [ thank you for the information ]
Reply:Do you eat allot of bananas? i heard that the mosquitoes are attracted to something in them.

if your bites are turning purple you are probably allergic to them. Get tested.

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