Monday, January 30, 2012

This morning my dog had thrown up a foamy yellow vomit and had army green diarreah! It isn't his food, help!

This is the second time he did this. He did it last night in my sisters room. So she put him downstairs in the pantry. I came downstairs cause of a weird smell and there was poop everywhere! Some parts the poop were runny, dark brown with some blood. Some parts looked like sand, had pieces of his food in it and were dark green and the yellow vomit was just foamy! He probably went 3 or 4 times during the night time. He likes his food and licks the floor a lot. My sister thinks maybe he licked a cleaning substance or maybe ate a foreign plant from somewhere in the yard. I think maybe he ate a spider? I don't know but his little tummy is hurting. =-(

This morning my dog had thrown up a foamy yellow vomit and had army green diarreah! It isn't his food, help!
If your pet hasn't had its vaccinations for parvo virus,this could be a sign of such,but if it is still eating good ,replace its water with the baby non-flavored pediolyte,this will replace any electrolytes it has lost with the diarrhea,then boil some chicken,cut into small pieces,put in blender and puree,this will usually check up the diarrhea.It could be as simple as your pet needs deworming,but would suggest that you don't deworm til the diarrhea checks up some.Also give your pet a dab of plain honey on its tongue,this will elevate its sugar level,as it is probably low from the enpty stomach.The pediolyte will settle its stomach also.You can also give your pet about 1/3 teaspoon of pepto bismol for the diarrhea.If this doesn't help ,suggest seeing your vet ,as internal parasites can cause diarrhea,and meds for such will be required.
Reply:My dogs do this when they have tummyaches including a little bit of blood from irritation. I give them white rice with boiled chicken diet for a few days then slowly introduce food again., Since this is the first time it's happened to you, I would recommend also contacting the vet. They may want to see him plus samples.
Reply:if you have a vet around call them it is parvo. my cousins dog did the same thing keep and eye on him. and if it is parvo other dogs can catch it. go to google and typ in parvo syptoms. if you don't know what it is just go there and learn. it is deadly.
Reply:Aww poor doggy take it to the vet!!

Hope it gets better!! :)

Reply:what kind of dog is it??

i have a shih-tzu and he's eleven yrs old and know others with shih-tzu's that throw up bile on occasion. when i saw my vet about it, she examined him and said he was just one of those dogs and not to feed him hard to digest foods. or when he occasionally goes off his food or eats grass he will throw up bile.

he also gets diarrhea occasionally that is REALLY stinky. not often. maybe once every couple of years and usually its from human food someone fed him. he will get runs with blood if someone feeds him steak.

if the poop was BLACK then that's when you have to worry the most. it is a sign of internal bleeding. a little smears of blood usually just means the intestines are irritated.

i tell people NOT to feed him stuff but sometimes they don't listen and occasionally if i'm not right on the ball someone will slip him something like pieces of steak or BONES!!! i never, ever give him bones. after eleven years MOST people know to ask me first but new ppl just give it to him and then i have to chase him around trying to get it back. lol.

because this is NEW with your dog and COULD be from something else like poison, i would get him to a vet and have him checked out asap. just to be on the safe side.

i wish you and your pup the best. please let us know how he does?
Reply:My dog occasionally vomited yellow stuff but we always thought she had been eating grass, but he needs the vet he might have something stuck in his gut that's causing him to be like this, and getting sick and pooing is probably the way his body is trying to heal itself.
Reply:probably was something he got happens cuz dogs eat everything...keep an eye out for the next day or two, if he acts strange then take him to the vet...if he acts pretty normal it will probably work itself out of his system...
Reply:My dog does this from time to time. From eating things like leaves. But I have never seen Blood. Thats not good you need to take him to the vet asap. I hope he feels better:(
Reply:my dog eats the grass out side alot they say its like a medicine ,it make them bring up this yellow /green foamy vomit .

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