Friday, January 27, 2012

Common fears its a poll answer?

I Fear…

[] the dark

[] staying single forever

[] being a parent

[x] giving birth

[] being myself in front of others

[] open spaces

[] closed spaces

[X] heights

[] dogs

[] birds

[] fish


[] flowers or other plants

[]being touched

[] fire

[x] deep water

[ x] snakes

[] silk

[] the ocean

[x] failure

[] success

[] thunder/lightning

[] frogs/toads

[] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad

[] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom

[x ] rats

[ ] jumping from high places

[] snow

[] rain

[] wind

[x ] crossing hanging bridges

[ x]death

[] heaven

[x ] being robbed/mugged

[ ] falling

[ x] clowns.

[] dolls

[] large crowds of people

[] men

[] women

[x] having great responsibilities

[] doctors, including dentists

[x] tornadoes

[ x] hurricanes

[x ] incurable diseases

[ x]sharks

[] Friday the 13th

[ x] ghosts

[x] poverty

[] Halloween

[] school

[] trains

[] odd numbers

[] even numbers

[x] being alone

Common fears its a poll answer?
I Fear…

[x] the dark (if I'm by myself)

[x] staying single forever

[ ] being a parent

[x] giving birth

[ ] being myself in front of others

[ ] open spaces

[ ] closed spaces

[x] heights

[x] dogs (only the wild ones. calm ones, not so much.)

[ ] birds

[ ] fish

[x] spiders

[ ] flowers or other plants

[ ]being touched

[x] fire

[x] deep water (never know what could be down there)

[x] snakes

[ ] silk

[x] the ocean

[x] failure

[ ] success

[ ] thunder/lightning

[x] frogs/toads

[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad

[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom

[x] rats

[x] jumping from high places

[ ] snow

[ ] rain

[ ] wind

[ ] crossing hanging bridges

[x] death

[ ] heaven

[x] being robbed/mugged

[x] falling

[ ] clowns.

[x] dolls

[ ] large crowds of people

[ ] men

[ ] women

[x] having great responsibilities

[ ] doctors, including dentists

[x] tornadoes

[x] hurricanes

[x] incurable diseases


[ ] Friday the 13th

[x] ghosts

[x] poverty

[ ] Halloween

[ ] school

[ ] trains

[ ] odd numbers

[ ] even numbers

[x] being alone
Reply:None of the above. Sorry about fear of being alone, it leads too many girls to taking bad boyfriends.

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