Friday, February 3, 2012

What was your favorite nursery rhyme/poem and what was your favorite children's song?

Mom read us poems, though I did like the other rhymes too. But my favorite was The Spider %26amp; The Fly! It was creepy to me, and I liked that.... though I felt sorry for that poor ol' fly. (snif)

I don't know the whole song anymore, but it was about a lollypop tree! (Chorus was; me and my lollypop, lollypop,lollypop, lolly, lolly, lollypop tree) How I could imagine planting my own and loved the concept of it! Oh, the magic that lives in children!! :-))

What was your favorite nursery rhyme/poem and what was your favorite children's song?
Oh! The magic that lives in childhood! Why limit their young imagination? Why give them what some one else has made up in their minds? My children are older now, but they both remember "how the stars sparkled that last night Daddy was doing stories with us?" Yes, I always will. Both children in bed...myself leaning over them all, every night it was important to see our faces and hear our voices before bed. It wasn't always so, some nights it was me, or him, most nights it was both of us..we would say, "last night the Princess was about to leave the kingdom for....?" (where ever the story left off the night before) both children would rise up and push out imaginary ideas. "she ran into an ogre..that was the handsomest ogre that was ever born..." My daughter would throw out...My husband would say, "so he was" And the story would continue. We would make up a continuous story, night after night, comedy after drauma (if I had only written them all down!) that went on, wonderful bedtime after bedtime, made up by all of us. Every night, for flavor, their father added to the story a sky full of sparkling stars. When he died, the stories stopped...but my children both to this day, "do you remember how the stars sparkled that last night Daddy was doing stories with us? Someday, I'm going to do that with my children.." Yes, the children have such magic, please don't limit them to a poem or a lullaby. Give them some of your time and will grow better than a lollypop tree.
Reply:That's wack! She has never been married in her life. She's came close to it, but it never happened. She's lying. Where is she getting this stuff? Ok. Yea, we made up stories of princes and princesses, but not with our own fathers. But whatever gets the best answer, right? Report It
Reply:Hickory Dickory Dock - rhyme

Here Comes Santa Claus - song
Reply:i could remember 3 poems. they are 1. pussy cat pussy cat where have you been? 2. twinkle twinkle little star 3. jack and Jill went up to hill.
Reply:There was a little girl,

Who had a little curl,

Right in the middle of her forehead.

When she was good,

She was very very good

But when she was bad she was horrid...

My mum always used to say it was written about me!!
Reply:Mary Had a Little Lamb and i dont know why i really liked it when i was young.
Reply:I don't think I had a fav nursey rhyme, but I loved the itsy bitsy spider lol.
Reply:Row, row, row your boat,

Gently down the stream,

Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily,

Life is but a dream.

Still love that song.
Reply:My mom never taught us traditional nursery's a couple of my favorites.

Old Mother Hubbard went to the cubbard to fetch her poor daughter a dress

but when she got there the cubbard was bare

and so was her daughter, I guess.

Hickory dickory dock

two mice ran up the clock

the clock struck one

and the other escaped with minor injuries

get well flowers

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