Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How can Gay be ok with God?

In all of nature, there exist male and female. Birds, hawks, hummingbirds, ducks, owls and all aviary life: male and female. Dogs, cats, horses, bears, mice, squirrels, and all mammals: male and female. Fish, sharks, water snakes, lobsters, piranha, gold fish, and all aquatic life: male and female. Over 6,000 species of insects and every single last one of them, male and female. That is right! Flies, bees, ants, ladybugs, spiders, and beetles: All come in both male and female. Plants are also male and female. If a plant has both male and female parts, please notice that they DO have BOTH parts!! In such cases, the plants have organs that are male, and organs that are female. Note this, because it’s important.

Male and female in all of nature means DESIGN. Only the rebellious will fail to see the forest past the trees. This is also spoken of in Romans 1. "Their foolish heart was darkened…professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." Male and female means design.

The design is male and female and in all of nature. The male has a sexual organ to give (+) and the female has a sexual organ to receive (-). That is design. One was designed to fit into the other. In other words, man had a design contrived by a Designer/God. So it is the same with people, animals, etc. It is obvious to all but the rebellious that humans were so fashioned. Some will still argue the point, but I would like to label their rebellion as the cause of their blindness. It’s not wisdom. In other words, people who want to sin must sear their conscience against Christianity. Therefore, they have the knowledge, but do not obey it, and fight against it and against wisdom.

The male organ is built by God to give into the female organ, built for that purpose. To engage in otherwise is an affront to God. Positive is made to repel positive and negative is made to repel negative. This is science. Do you know what magnetism is? How does light work? How do our charged surroundings work? Our very world works on the principle that male and male repel. Female and female repel. Male and female attract. Even the electricity in your house makes mention that the male prong plugs into the female outlet. In all of nature, positive repels positive and negative repels negative, but the opposites attract…except when it comes to homosexuals. Why is this? Rebellion!

Homosexuality is not natural, and it deviates from GOD’S OBVIOUS DESIGN. If the laws of nature started mimicking homosexuality, and positives were attracted to positives, the entire universe would collapse! I’m showing you that male and female is a concept that permeates everything we are, even to the way charged particles operate! It is the Law, established by the all-knowing Lawgiver.

Men having sex with men means positive with positive (male organ to male organ), and where is the organ built to receive? Women having sex with women means negative with negative (female organ with female organ), and where is the organ to give? Do you see this? It doesn’t matter how many degrees a person may have. To deny this simple wisdom that even a child can understand, is rebellion. Rebellion is the root to blindness to God and His obvious principles.

A man with a man is confusion. A woman with a woman is confusion. There is no organ built for it. No children can come of such unions, unless man plays scientist in these matters. No life comes from homosexuality; it is lifeless. It can bring forth no children. It also makes the homosexual lifeless. It is not in line with life-after-death (according to scripture, homosexuals do not go to’s a blanket statement). Isn’t it odd, that if two males are together, one inevitably becomes a female: female mannerisms, speech, etc. If two females, one of the two takes on masculine facial features as if on testosterone. Is this, too, a mark of judgment? A better way to look at this is: if you tell God no, you inevitably tell the devil yes.

How can Gay be ok with God?
This is one reason I can never believe in your god. Imagine a creator who hates his own creation, his *children* so much. If this was a human you were talking about there would be a flood of answers demanding you report this vile creature to the child welfare authorities for abuse, and the mental health authorities for psycopathy.

In addition, you defeat your own arguments. If everything the creator made was made in pairs, why is god the father and son? Why not the husband and wife? And what about god's love for single cell organisms? Or are they doomed to eternal lakes of fire, too?

So silly.
Reply:Presuming you believe in a God and depending on which God you believe in, the one created by man, in man's own image and likeness, with man's prejudices and values; or the God no one actually knows....

Allegedly, each of God's creations is created perfect through God's divine will and grace....a person does not choose to be gay, they simply are, or they are not, but they are still perfect.
Reply:who says he is ok with it..........
Reply:Well, occasionally hermaphrodites are born. Are they not okay with god who made them?

Actually, homosexual behavior does seem to serve some biological functions larger than the individual's reproductive interest, and homosexuality may be part of 'god's design' for sexually reproducing species.

Please examine the possibility that you could just be afraid of sexuality. It is scary at a deep level for everyone, and it's all too easy to let our primitive mind try to protect us by sequestering our fearful feelings in the idea that "at least I'm not like those other people" and then find ourselves trying to rationalize our hate by claiming we have special access to the intentions of god.
Reply:I believe that homosexuality is God's answer to over-population. He can continue and prolong humans' existence on Earth (and likewise, Earth's existence) by slowing over-population, but at the same time maintaining His highest law: love. Above anything, God is love, God promotes love. It's really a win-win: A longer, healthier existence, and love.
Reply:well obviously he is ok with it..... have you ever even thought that possibly there isnt a god that has any care whatsoever about what we do. i mean its not like he came and told us excactly what you said. the bible has been rewritten many time and between all the language shifts and all the bible may not even be correct. i mean ya someone created it but for all we know some guy could have made it that no one knew about. then he came and said hey look what god gave me.

what about other religons. do their bibles state a male cant have affection for another male... im pretty sure not all do. all im saying is is there is no sin in my opinion. the bible even states all you need to do is ask god to forgive you and all your sins are gone. with that you can do whatever you want and then just ask for forgivness. and if god says he loves us all so much then why would he send us to hell.

and dont get me wrong, i beleive in god, but come on. people can do what they want. He says we shouldnt steal, but we do.everyone has sin in them so there you go. humans have minds. they can go against nature. especially if god created some this way then how cant he be ok with it.. you dont make any sense there. also most people who really are gay have a reason, they dont just go one day and say " oh hey i think im going to be gay" they usually have a reason.

hope this possibly helped, prolly wont but this is what i beleive in, deal with it if you dont like it.
Reply:Homosexuality in animals:

3.1 Bonobo apes

3.2 Birds

3.3 Lizards

3.4 Sheep

3.5 Spotted Hyena

3.6 Bottlenose Dolphins

3.7 Fruit flies

short version of a much longer list
Reply:Rant away!

Obviously, a closed mind...why bother?
Reply:Thats nice and all, and im completely up for gays having the right to be gay, but your argument makes sense.

However, one thing isnt answered in your argument... do your research, you will see that lots of animals have homosexual relationships... and its true animals dont think, but theyre reacting to their instincs. Why would God allow this if its what he designed?
Reply:We were instructed to 'go out and multiply'. Does that answer your question?
Reply:Your delusions are your issue to deal with. What your delusions find acceptable or unacceptable is of no interest to me.
Reply:God created gay, too. How can he not be OK with it?

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