Friday, February 3, 2012

How do I keep kids from playing in my bushes? I think they are killing them.?

My bushes have been thriving for the last three years. I have two sets. The set the kids play in and behind have recently started to die from the bottom up. The ones they leave alone are doing great. I have told the kids there are spiders, ants and snakes back there (even though there aren't). We take great care of the plants; adaquate sunlight, adaqaute water, pruning, etc. HELP!

How do I keep kids from playing in my bushes? I think they are killing them.?
1. Spank the kids

2. Hide barbed wire in the plants

3. Build a fence around the plants
Reply:My only solution would be to fence your bushes off and perhaps provide the kids with a "Jungle Gym".
Reply:Well, you might not like this idea...but I had to resort to this in my yard.

The plants that the neighborhood kids have killed will probably need to be replaced ~ and I'd replace them with something like bayberry or pyracantha. These species are quite thorny, and will discourage anyone from messing around with the landscaping.
Reply:Funny how kids and pets tend to go places they shouldn't. Find out what times they like to "play" in your area. The safest way for you and the children would be to set the watering around that time. Most people don't like to touch "wet" things that may also be muddy. All it takes is a minute or two and just enough to get it wet. No peppers, chemicals, or sprays like many use for unwanted pets in your yard. Or maybe they can help you for the next time you water? Good luck and I hope you find your answer with so many helpful people here!:%26gt;)
Reply:If telling them to stay out doesn't work, build a little fence and put up a mesh net. Just until the kids are a little older and better at respecting plants.
Reply:Spray them with the hose when you see them in their; they’ll get the hint.
Reply:I'd recommend bear traps....but the homeowners association would probably frown on that too.... one thing you didn't say is whether or not they are your kids. If they are your kids it would be a personal parenting thing I'd leave up to you. If it is the neighbors kids, I'd have a serious talk with the neighbors about the cost of replacing the bushes that their children have trampled, and make sure you take a price list from the most expensive nursery/garden center in town when you go to talk to them.

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