Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Question on plants, flowers and bugs for spring summer.........?

What plants or flowers are best for the following:


Deer will not eat?

Rabbits will not eat?

To keeps spiders away?

To Keeps Masquitos away?

Question on plants, flowers and bugs for spring summer.........?
Drought tolerant plants include most wild flowers and things herbs like Rosemary and Thyme which are from arid regions. Coneflower, Penstemon, Scabiosa, Lavender, etc. Look for anything that says drought tolerant on the tag and things that say they like full sun and dry soil.

Deer do not eat Daffodils, Irises, see the link below for more.

Rabbits like tender juicy things, so make some hot pepper spray for your perennials when they are in the rosette stage in the spring - some things like Rue they will eat anyway, Rabbits do not like marigolds and daffodils to plant those around any plants they tend to eat and it turns them off unless they are starving.

Spider repellent - never heard about that one. There are spider repellents you can use on the sides of your house - or use termite spray, but common insecticides are the closest you will get to controlling spiders actually on and in plants. The drier and warmer it is, the more spiders you will get - so spray your spidery plants off with the hose on a strong spray now and then to keep them under control.

Mosquitos are not really deterred by much, unfortunately. There are some "dunks" you can place in exposed water (find the ones safe for pets and animals) and they will stop mosquitos from developing - or add a fountain to your water area to keep the water moving (which mosquitoes do not like) or put some fish in your water and they will eat the mosquito larvae so they do not hatch in your water - always empty any other standing water after a rain - protect it or drain it. Rabbit and deer-resistant plants listed in links below:

opera music

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