Monday, January 30, 2012

The Christmas quiz part 2, can you answer these simple questions?

1)Which of these names does NOT belong to one of Santa's reindeer?

A) Comet

B) Prancer

C) Blitzen

D) Klaxon

2)At Christmas, it is traditional to exchange kisses beneath a sprig of which plant?

A) Ivy

B) Yew

C) Holly

D) Mistletoe

3) In the Ukraine, what does it mean if you find a spider web in the house on Christmas morning?

A) Good luck

B) Misfortune will strike in the coming year

C) The winter will be unusually cold

D) Your house needs cleaning

4)If you were given some frumenty at a Medieval Christmas party, what would you probably do with it?

A) Eat it

B) Burn it

C) Put it in your sweetheart's hair

D) Use it to polish your boots

4) Which of the following names does NOT belong one of the Three Kings?

A) Caspar

B) Balthazar

C) Teleost

D) Melchio

The Christmas quiz part 2, can you answer these simple questions?
1. d

2. d

3. a

4. a

5. b


B.Misfortune will strike in the coming year

A.Eat it

C) Teleost

Dryope, Anaxarete, Daphne, Arachne, or Niobe: how easy did each one get off?

Daphne: After spurning Apollo's advances, he persued her until her father changed her into a Laurel tree.

Dryope: After plucking the leaves of nymph disguised as a plant, she was transformed into a Lotus.

Arachne: After boasting that her weaving was better than Minirva's, she was turned into a spider.

Niobe: After seeing all her children killed by Apollo and Diana, she wept for days until she was turned to stone.

Anaxarete: After failing to return the love of Iphis, he hung himself and as she gazed upon his funeral procession, she was turned to stone.

Rate how easy each woman got off.

Dryope, Anaxarete, Daphne, Arachne, or Niobe: how easy did each one get off?
I don't feel that any of these women got off easily. Arachne would probably be my choice for the one who got off the easiest since she was still a living, breathing entity. Although, I can't imagine being a spider a very nice existence.
Reply:I think it sucked for all of them, but Arachne had to live out her exsistince while the rest were basically dead.
Reply:I'd say Arachne got off the best, though not very well. But at least she could still move around.
Reply:i'd say arachne got the worse of all of them. daohne and dryope did ok because trees r great and the lotus flower is burned into mythology for all kinds of great things. but niobe and anaxarete are probaly tired of people walking all over them or throwing them in water!
Reply:I'd go with Daphne. She asked the river god Peneus to change her into a tree, in order to escape. The others were transformed as a punishment. They didn't ask for it.

Why do mosquitoes like me so much and not my fiancee?

Two nights ago, I got 7 mosquito bites. Last night, I got 5 more. My fiancee hasn't got any. My mom always told me that mosquitoes liked my sweet blood, but I researched it and found this.

Why do mosquitoes bite? Actually, it is only the females that bite and they do so out of necessity ratther than pleasure. Female mosquitoes seek blood when they are preparing to lay eggs as they need the nourishment to produce healthy offspring. The mosquito's normal diet of plant juices contains none of the proteins a female needs in order to produce her eggs. For that, she needs a concentrated source of protein, which, unfortunately for us, is blood.

If this is true, why do the mosquitoes only bite me?

Also, some of them have started to turn purple. It's acting like a spider bite, and I've never had bites do this.

This is the irritated one

and the normal

Why do mosquitoes like me so much and not my fiancee?
I'm impressed with the homework you've already done. One way to look at mosquitoes is little sensory organs with wings. They are attracted by three things, dark colors (the color tone of most large animals), carbon dioxide, something every breathing creature produces, and skin odors that all mammals have. Many males produce more skin odor (not always perceptible to us) than females because of higher muscular metabolism. I know that going outside right after a shower draws far fewer mosquitoes than if I were to go out, say two hours later, because my personal skin odor is nearly gone. Mosquitoes can sense what is in the air with their antenna. I've heard wearing light colored clothing helps too. Good luck.
Reply:I'm not kidding you, i read that unlike men woman have sweeter skin. I also like to bite the ladys ;)
Reply:well u were a good target I think and if its actin like a spider bite EMEDIATLY see a docter
Reply:Your right in saying the female mosquito is the biter.

Your bites look nasty.

Why mosquitoes bite some people and not others is due to carbon dioxide we excrete through our skin and breath, including moisture, temperature, clothing colour and movement.

I hate mossie bites as I am allergic to them, and they leave huge welts, that are incredibly itchy.
Reply:mosquitos are attracted to a number of different things. your bites could be a result of you perfume/deodorant, you sweat, your race (believe it or not), the normal odor that your body has, and even the foods that you eat...

best advice try hard not to scratch...rubbing the area with alcohol may help

as a preventative measure you can try skin-so-soft by avon to help repel the nasty little bastards
Reply:Do you eat bananas? I know it sounds stupid, but I've heard that bananas make you smell in a certain way that attract mosquitoes. Anyway, just a thought.

FYI the same resource said that if you rub a Bounce dryer sheet on your skin they will stay away. It's worth a try, I'd say.
Reply:Using my best "Dr. House" diagnosis...

Normally, the mosquitoes would not be biting you, given you're AB negative blood type.


Mosquitoes are attracted to a certain kind of sweat...which you're kind of sweat would not normally attract...

So, this leads me to believe that...

Your fiancee has been trying to lose weight for the wedding by "sweating to the oldies, and this sweat has tainted your blood, the mix of which becomes a powerful mosquito attractant..."

And, of course, this means...

Your fiancee is gay...

I recommend you call the whole thing off, but if you decide to go through with it anyway...

Here's the phone numbers to Richard Simmons agent, and a good divorce attorney...

Next case...!!!
Reply:You're sweeter!

As long as you do not have a rash develope at the sight, that spreads or get a thick tongue or begin to have difficulty breathing, bites are simply a nuisance.
Reply:I don't know the answer, but they bite my wife and not me.
Reply:The mosquitoes doesn't like your fiancee!

Just use lotions or creams for anti mosquito bites before you go to bed to get rid off the mosquitoes.
Reply:Your fiancee may be stinks ,and it's the female that always harm [ thank you for the information ]
Reply:Do you eat allot of bananas? i heard that the mosquitoes are attracted to something in them.

if your bites are turning purple you are probably allergic to them. Get tested.

Houseplant insects.. please help!?

My Chinese Buddah plant has really small webs on the leaves, and I can see tiny black insects on the leaves, on the edges and underneeth. What are they and how can I get rid of them? Someone said they might be spider mites, so i bought some spray, but they just shake it off and carry on scurrying round the leaves and on their webs. Help!

Houseplant insects.. please help!?
They are aphids, you need to get some lady bugs on that plant fast or some vinegar/water 80%/20% solution spray.
Reply:Put in bath tub and spray with mild soap and water. Use Q tip dipped in alcohol or vinegar and attack each one separately.
Reply:I've had good luck with a solution of dish detergent, vinegar, and water sprayed on the plants. Be sure to keep the infected plants far away from all the others! :)

domain name registration

Question for my 5-lined skink and anole lizard.?

i have a full grown 5lined skink and a baby 5 lined skink along with an anole living together, they dont fight, the anole stays near plant and both skinks stay under bark. i dont know what to do with them. i have them in a clear plastic cage about 1 1/2 feet to 2 feet long and about 1 foot wide. i have a real monkey grass in corner (hanging place for anole), a curved bark (hanging area for the skinks, they hang under it), and then have a stick going from corner of cage to other end, soil as ground except for under the curved bark which is mosses.. they wont eat, the cricket was eaten but the worms and the snails werent, nor the ant or spider.. only the baby skink will drink water out of the cleaned milk cap, the anole or the skink wont drink, not that i saw, and i have had them for 2 days and they are still full of energy running around.. suggestions??i keep the cage in my room window seal and when i get home i put them on back porch in sun

Question for my 5-lined skink and anole lizard.?
The one that worked for me was try it and yes they update in last moments
Reply:thanks and i will check it out. Report It

Question for my 5-lined skink and anole lizard.?

i have a full grown 5lined skink and a baby 5 lined skink along with an anole living together, they dont fight, the anole stays near plant and both skinks stay under bark. i dont know what to do with them. i have them in a clear plastic cage about 1 1/2 feet to 2 feet long and about 1 foot wide. i have a real monkey grass in corner (hanging place for anole), a curved bark (hanging area for the skinks, they hang under it), and then have a stick going from corner of cage to other end, soil as ground except for under the curved bark which is mosses.. they wont eat, the cricket was eaten but the worms and the snails werent, nor the ant or spider.. only the baby skink will drink water out of the cleaned milk cap, the anole or the skink wont drink, not that i saw, and i have had them for 2 days and they are still full of energy running around.. suggestions??i keep the cage in my room window seal and when i get home i put them on back porch in sun

Question for my 5-lined skink and anole lizard.?
The one that worked for me was try it and yes they update in last moments
Reply:thanks and i will check it out. Report It

Have you ever been in a tunnel?

How do you feel about scalions?

Do you watch videos on youtube?

Do you wish you could go to a clambake?

What do you know about saddlebags?

Did you break that teapot?

Did you steal my bigwheel?

How do you spell phosphorescent?

Are you tired of plant life?

Would you like to live inside a peanut?




Do you like wheat?

How tall is your grandmother?

Have you read the phonebook?

Are you confused by backpacks?

What would you do for a ham sandwich?

How is your ankle?

Which clock is the best clock?

Who is going to take care of the thermometer?




Where is Kenya?

Is that a spider in your bathrobe?

When is it too late to laminate?

Do you know how to proofread?

Whose turn is it to wax the hotel?

Are your bills piling up? Are you sick of living from paycheck to paycheck? Do you wish you had more income?

Would you like to own your own real estate?

how about farmland?

How many lamps do you own?

Have you ever been in a tunnel?
1. Yep %26amp; held my breath all the way thru it haha.

2. Not sure what they are.

3. All the time!

4. Sure! Sounds fun!

5. That I don't have em.

6. It was an accident.

7. No. I have my own.

8. I think you're right.

9. No! I'm tired of human life.

10. I might jus go nuts :]

11. Mhm wheat = good.

12. 5'4" I think.

13. I'm on pg 765 right now.

14. No. I understand their mystery.

15. Nothing. I'm a vegetarian!

16. Tired. I had track today.

17. A grandfather clock.

18. The weatherman'll get it.

19. Africa.

20. Ew I hope not.

21. Yes. English class.

22. The maids.

23. Nah. We have enough cash.

24. Sure.

25. No I hate farms.

26. Several dozen.

I answered all your damn questions honestly. I want best answer! Haha. =]

? Clare.
Reply:ok not to be rude but i really don't feel like reading all that lol
Reply:im to lazy to do em all lol
Reply:Sometimes, I have Lucky Charms for dinner when I don't feel like making anything.

English Help?

1. The dilapidated barn's sole ________was a spider whose gossamer web hung from the dusty rafters.

Vocabulary List:

1.) Aperture: Any opening in a solid surface

Synonyms: crack, fissure, hole, slit


2.) Ardor: Great warmth of emotion or desire

Synonyms: coldness, deadness, dullness, indifference


3.) Candor Openness of mind; impartiality or frankness of expression; straightforwardness

Synonyms: fairness, justness, forthrightness, openness, unequivicalness

4.) Denizen: An occupant of a place or region, or one naturalized in a society or region (often applied to a word, animal, or plant)

Synonyms: Citizen, inhabitant, resident


5.) Facade: The face or front of anything; especially, a deceptive false front

Synonyms: esteriour, front; masquerade, pretense, veneer


6.) Fop: A vain, affected man foolishly preoccupied with dress or manners

Synonyms: beau, coxcomb, dandy, exquisite


English Help?

(in other words the barn was completely uninhabited except for that one spider)
Reply:4. denizen
Reply:4.) Denizen: An occupant of a place or region, or one naturalized in a society or region (often applied to a word, animal, or plant)

Synonyms: Citizen, inhabitant, resident


because it means the only living thing in the barn was this spider

flowers anniversary

Our dog died of liver damage from eating something toxic or being bitten by something. we have small children.

the vet said the liver rating? should be 100, it was 25000(bad). also, she was vomiting blood, had blood in her stools, and dry mouth. when i fould her (alive) she was standing not moving on the spot with her tail between her legs. she was a jack Russell. we are in australia. it wasnt a tick, a spider, a snake, or rat poison. The vet has no idea what it was. all he sad was that there was liver toxins, and something about fungial stuff. we have small children and need to know if it was a plant or toadstool (from recent rain) that she may have eaten. there was no traces in her stomach as she had vomited it up well before hand. this all happened in a period of about 6 hours. has anybody had a similar occurance or heard anything? I want to know why she died and if it is a threat to our other dog and children. apparently her liver was completly shot and we had to put her down. she was bounding around in the morning and at the vet emergency that evening. passed away the next night.

Our dog died of liver damage from eating something toxic or being bitten by something. we have small children.
I have no idea why your dog died. Just wanted to say how sorry I am. Our dog is such a part of the family it would be devastating if she died. You and your children must feel absolutely horrible. My condolences.
Reply:Try the below site and see if it helps.It talks about liver disease in dogs.It gives signs to look for,see if your dog was exhibiting any of these symptoms.It also lists some of the possible causes.Liver damage can be caused by a wide variety of problems,anything from sickness to something ingested.The second site gives info on Aflatoxin poisoning,Aflatoxin is what was present in the Diamond dof food,that caused the company to recall food,and is blamed in the deaths of quite a few dogs.Aflatoxin is caused by a fungus,since your vet mentioned fungus,it could be a possibility.

Sorry to hear about the loss of your pet.
Reply:Awww. That is really sad. No I have never had that expierience with my dog. Sorry. I wish I could help.
Reply:YES. NO. MAYBE. LOL. I do not know. NONE. ALL. SOME. NOTHING. EVERYTHING. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO. GO WHEREVER YOU WANT TO GO. GOOD LUCK... try or or and search this question there.
Reply:I would recommend a second opinion from another Veterinarian on the feces sample or test results if you can obtain those from your current veteranarian. I would also recommend having your home tested for things such as lead paint (loose chips can poison an animal or child very easily), write a list of the names of all live plants within the home and outside of the home within a decent sized vacinity, and if any plants are unidentifiable to you, take a sample of them to the Veteranarians office and have them tested for toxicity to an animal or child. Have her body re-tested for spider bite wounds because it may have been missed. You may never find out the cause but you can be sure you have done everything within your power to prevent it from happening a second time. I want to extend my sincerest sympathies to you and your family for the loss of your beloved pet. My thoughts are with you and I wish you the best.
Reply:Liver Disease Symptoms can occur in the on-set of many different illnesses. Liver disease can be associated with Dysfunction of the Liver Cells, Obstruction of the Liver Ducts , Liver Infection, or Malignancy of the Liver. Liver Disease Symptoms may include Upper Right Abdominal Pain, Jaundice, Abdominal Swelling,Muscle Weakness, Loss of Muscle, Testicular Atrophy, Ascites, Icteric Sclera, and Swelling for the Lower Extremities. Other Liver Disease Symptoms can include Bruising, Spider Angiomas, Gynecomastia, Esophageal Varices, Bleeding from the Gastrointestinal Tract, Asthenia, Decreased Appetite, Dar Colored Urine, Light Colored Stools, and a Flapping Tremor.

Try Google for other info

~ Sorry About Your Unickspected Loss ~

Mead model ds-2114ats-tc telescope will not focus clearly.?

Hey all, I just got a new mead model ds-2114ats-tc telescope. I set it up in the day light and started to look at some trees far away. I could not get the tree I was looking at to focus very well. So I took it out and looked at some stars they started to come into focus in fact half the star would start to focuse and the rest was a blur. Same thing with the planet Venus. half the plant was round BUT the rest is just a blur. I was told by a friend of mine mt spider mirror could be out of adjustment. Could this be causing this? The telescope was brand new. I just can't get any thing to come in clearly.

Mead model ds-2114ats-tc telescope will not focus clearly.?
It sounds as if the telescope is out of collimation. You will need to adjust the alignment of the mirrors. There should be instructions in the manual for doing this, though it helps to have someone with experience show you how to do it. If you bought it at a telescope store, as I always recommend, someone in the store can help you, but if you bought it at a department or discount store, you're out of luck. Try to find a local astronomy club, and see if one of their members can help you. There's a good list of clubs here:
Reply:Sure does sound like a Collimation Problem!

Getting help from an Astronomy club is a great way to go. But this is a procedure performed routinely by owners of Reflecting Telescopes.

So, even if you HAVE to do it alone, you can do it. But it is much easier if you see it done first and then try your own hand at it.

While the procedure is always a little intimidating to newcomers, it is really not very difficult. The first time you try it on your own it might take 1/2 hour or even more, but that soon turns into a minute or so, once you get a little practice.


How is your ankle?

Do you like wheat?

How tall is your grandmother?

Do you watch videos on youtube?

Have you read the phonebook?

Are you confused by backpacks?

What would you do for a ham sandwich?

Which clock is the best clock?

Who is going to take care of the thermometer?




Where is Kenya?

Is that a spider in your bathrobe?

When is it too late to laminate?

Do you know how to proofread?

Whose turn is it to wax the hotel?

Are your bills piling up? Are you sick of living from paycheck to paycheck? Do you wish you had more income?

Would you like to own your own real estate?

how about farmland?

How many lamps do you own?

Have you ever been in a tunnel?

How do you feel about scalions?

Do you wish you could go to a clambake?

What do you know about saddlebags?

Did you break that teapot?

Did you steal my bigwheel?

How do you spell phosphorescent?

Are you tired of plant life?

Would you like to live inside a peanut?

How is your ankle? ok here we go...

my ankle is fine

wheat is good, i guess

my grandma is around 5 ft. tall

yes i watch on youtube

i have read the phone book

i like my backpack

for a ham sandwich, i would go to the trouble to make it

best clock is a digital clock

my mom will take care of the thermometer(it has mom in it)

isn't kenya in like africa?

no the spider is in the bathtub

you will never know . i don't thikn it is too lat though :)

yes i know how to proofread

not my turn

nope, nope, nope




uh..don't think so

i don't know what that is

same as last question


nah. it was my brother bro again


sure. if you are

not really...i like my non crowded life
Reply:my ankle's OK


i don't know, they both died before i was born


only to look up numbers


go to kitchen and make one



on Earth, Africa, I think

i hope not


i know how to read

not mine

yes yes yes



about 8


i put them in salads


i think they go on a horse



i don't know


Reply:Fine. 6ft. under. All the time.Yes. No. Don't like ham. The one on my wall. I dunno. Africa. Not anymore. Never. Yep but I don't. Yours. Nope. Yep. You betcha. Yes. Not really. 5. Yes. Yummy. Not really I don't like seafood. I used to own some when I had a horse. I was like that when I got there. Maybe. Phosphourescent. Plants are good. No maybe a pea though.









Reply:My ankle is fine

may be yeah

My grandmother was may be 5'6

Yeah! I do...



would eat it..^ ^

I dont know...

Doctor or the Nurse




Kenya is a country..its in africa...

Not really..

at may be 12.00 am

hell no

Hotel owner

I do wish...

yeah sure

will think about it

dont remember

i guess so

no feeling



not really

hell no



Sure! but it should be a bit big...

Reply:How is your ankle? itssore from kicking your as*

Do you like wheat? Its my best friend

How tall is your grandmother? your face

Do you watch videos on youtube? yep

Have you read the phonebook? no

Are you confused by backpacks? AHHHH! THEY ARE COMING FOR US!

What would you do for a ham sandwich? ANYTHING! icant live without you ham!

Which clock is the best clock? take out the L in clock, and kick one...haha

Who is going to take care of the thermometer? Oh, i hired someone yesterday




Where is Kenya? your as$

Is that a spider in your bathrobe? how do you know?

When is it too late to laminate? .....

Do you know how to proofread? ././.?.';l[ojioudf

Whose turn is it to wax the hotel? you moms
Reply:Please forward all questions to my press secretary

Reply:No, I don't know, maybe, no, no , no, no, no, never, 2, I don't know, yes, no, I don't know, no, no, sure, no, nothing, no

Where can I learn about shade plants for under a tree?

I have a big tree with spider roots that hit the surface in spots. I am unable to grow grass there, but would like to put in some mulch and plants. Where can I learn more about this?

Where can I learn about shade plants for under a tree?
Your local garden center should be able to help, Lowes, Home Depot, etc. I had the same problem, so I planted some hosta plants, several varieties, and mulched around them. They love the shade and multiply each year, so soon they will encircle the tree. Beautiful!
Reply:Take a walk in the woods, or through your neighborhood. Look at what plants are growing in the understory or beneath trees in the landscapes of your neighbors.
Reply:You can go to any lawn and garden web site or to a local green house. They should be able to give you any information on that.
Reply:Call Fort Bend Mater Gardener Hotline



Does our ficus have a growth? or is there some other problem?

We found this tree in the trash in our apt, it looked as though someone thought that since it was loosing leaves it may be dead. We have repotted, fertilized, and sprayed for spider mites and other creepy crawlies, and it is still not responding. There is a growth at about 6 1/2 inches above the end of the stalk, could this growth be hurting the plant? should we cut it off? It is about 2 x 2, looks like it is of the same material as a knot on a tree. Help us , help our ficus.. [url=

Does our ficus have a growth? or is there some other problem?
Ficus are nortorious for losing it's leaves.This is natural-if you will.Just pick the leaves up when they drop.

ANTM never 4get photos?

Which out of all cycles do u love the most its ok 2 choose more than 1 my favs are:

Cycle 2- April's water shot

Cycle 3-Eva's spider shot

Cycle 4-Kahlen's 7deadly sin shot, Kahlen's african animal shot (Springbok) and Naima's Dancing shot (when brittany gets eliminated)

Cycle 5-Nicole's Covergirl shot, Nicole's Secret Platinum shot and Nik's superhero shot!

Cycle 6-Danielle's Fairytale Shot, Joanie's Elephant shot and Joanie's Mermaid Shot!

Cycle 7-CariDee's Dumb Model Shot, CariDee's Carnival Shot, The shot where the judges thought CariDee's shot the one where they had to look sexy but not too sexy and CariDee's covergirl shot!

Cycle 8-Jaslene's first shot, Jaslene's school shot, natasha's male shot, Renee's male magazine shot and Renee's female magazine shot!

Cycle 9-Chantal's first shot, Chantal's fashion gargoyle shot, Jenah's rock climbing shot, Jenah's plant shot, Jenah's recycle shot (cardboard I think), Saleisha's great wall of china shot WOW


ANTM never 4get photos?
eva's spider shot

nicole's covergirl, danielle's fairytale and elephant shot

caridee's dumb model shot and cover girl
Reply:I think i like all of them but .. you forgot Adrians shots. i think shes hot.
Reply:Anything with Yoanna and Naima in it.

They are fierce x 10.
Reply:Cycle 4 i loved kahlen

Where can I find these flowers and plants?

I have this AP Bio project due in two days and I haven't started it yet! I need help! Ok I know nothing about plants...Where can I find:

5 types of wildflowers (avoid common ones like dandelion, daisy, etc. and remember that Lady Slippers are protected species.)

5 types of non-flowering plants (moss, fern, lichen, fungi - you may want to wait on getting a mushroom type until right before it is due - except for the shelf fungi they don?t preserve very well)

5 types of deciduous trees (leaves only)

2 types of gymnosperms (evergreens)

5 types of animal artifacts (no tame house pets; be creative - capture a spider web, take a picture of a footprint or make a mud cast, find an egg casing or a shell, etc.)


Thank you!

Where can I find these flowers and plants?
i believe you need to go many places to get it. i

i am not so sure.. i hope others can help you.

Good luck!
Reply:Do you have a botanic gardens near where you live? This is good because the trees and plants are already identified.
Reply:yu should have done your homework instead of partying
Reply:go to Conroys Exotic Plants

Could you please help me figure out my biodiversity scavenger hunt for biology?

1. An example of an arthropod organism with chelicerae. (Does a spider work?)

2. A sample of any organism that contains the substance whos shape was deciphered by Watson and Crick in 1953. (They deciphered the shape of DNA so what works in this case? Any bug?)

3. Sample of a material composed of keratin, which is characteristic of the class mammalia. (Does a hair work?)

4. Sample of stomata (You must know where they are found on your sample). (That would be a leaf but im not sure how I can show where it is found on it)

5. A sample of a plant lacking true vascular tissues

Thank you in advance

Could you please help me figure out my biodiversity scavenger hunt for biology?
1) yes, spider

2) any living thing on this earth

3) Or a fingernail

4) Get a good hand lens and you will see them, or at least their supporting structure.

5) A plant like moss. or lichen.

myspace layouts


1.An instant mom _ _ _

2. To damage, make worse _ _ pa _ _

3. a flower _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _mum

4.a type of tree pop _ _ _

5. a type of spider dad_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6. result, consequences _ _ _ _ _ma_ _

7.a device for detremining directions _ _ _pa_ _

8.a vegetable _ _pa_ _ _ _ _

9.a play _ _ _,a unbound booklet pa_ _ _ _ _ _

11.a beginner _ma_ _ _ _

12.Nonsence pop_ _ _ _ _ _

13.important, of great consequence mom_ _ _ _ _ _

14. to go _ _pa_ _ skilled in international relations _ _ _ _ _ma_

15. the smallest allowable amount _ _ _ _mum

16.a scolding _ _ _ _ _ma_ _

17.Restless _ _pa_ _ _ _ _

18. Another name fr a crayfish _ _ _ _dad

19.More than half ma_ _ _ _ _ _

20. A plant from which the Egyptians made paper pa_ _ _ _ _

well, i know a few i think





5-daddy longlegs












hope those helped!
Reply:5. a type of spider (daddylongleg)

7.a device for detremining directions (compass) unbound booklet (pamplet) skilled in international relations (diplomat)

15. the smallest allowable amount (minimum)

18. Another name fr a crayfish (crawdad)

19.More than half (machine)

20. A plant from which the Egyptians made paper (papyrus)

thats all i could figure out, hope it helps
Reply:1. ent


3. chrysanthe (spelling?)

4. lar

5. dylonglegs





10. mphlet




14. de-rt

15. mini



18. craw

19. jority

20. pyrus

The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Forest Temple- How do I free the monkey in the room with three spiders?

I killed the two spiders up above, and then pelted the heck out of the one below. Then, not bothering to climb down the vines, I finished it in one, two three hits, then finished it with my newly-learned hidden move. I took an explospider and bombed the man-eating plant. Finding no way to free the chittering primate for the third time, I looked on Google for a game guide, which told me to hit the windmills 'above the cage' with my gale boomerang, and nothing more. Couldn't find them, and I'm sick of quitting the game and killing them- again. Now, I have two guesses for my third try- find away to break the two spiderwebs and maybe I'll land on the ledge, though I already tried my second time, or get eaten by the plant so it will spit me up there. Anyways, before I try- I need help! Dear god, be kind and not only answer, but give me a clear one for my small brain to comprehend. xD Also, excuse me for typos. %26gt;.%26gt;

The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Forest Temple- How do I free the monkey in the room with three spiders?
No idea of what exactly you're trying to say, but here's a guide.

Wii version

GCN version

it has pictures and all.

By the way, have you found Oocoo already? You know, that weird looking chicken-like thing that talks? Well you can warp outside using her and then save the game so that the next time you play, you can warp back inside into the same room you left off.

Are used coffee grounds/tea ok to use as fertilizer for potted pansies and window boxes?

When I tried sprinkling tea a few years ago into a house plant I ended up having to dispose of the whole thing because of fruit flies. Now I got large pots with pansies and it says fertilize every two weeks. Should I buy some fertilizer or try the coffee/tea route? Any suggestions for natural spider mite remedies? They do seem to come back every year on anything I grow :(

Are used coffee grounds/tea ok to use as fertilizer for potted pansies and window boxes?
We have pansies growing in our herb railing on our all not use miracle grow..pansies do not like alot of nitrogen... As well coffee grounds are great but a huge source of nitrogen, which pansies do not like alot of....Also coffee grounds after awhile if too much added gets too acidic for pansies... I love coffee grounds in my pklants and garden..but they are not meant for all plants especially ones that do not like alot of nitrogen..Pansies are a "leggy" flower to start with..the nitrogen will make them grow taller and fall over on you...This is copied and pasted from the link below...Under planting procedures Fertilization requirements of pansies differ from other types of seasonal color. Avoid using fertilizers containing high amounts of slow-release ammoniacal nitrogen. These are fine for summer annuals but not for fall pansies. High rates of ammoniacal nitrogen will cause pansy stems to stretch and become succulent during the warm fall weather. This weakens the plants and makes them more susceptible to winter injury. Ammoniacal nitrogen also is slow to be absorbed by the plants during the winter months when soil temperatures drop below 45 degrees F. Pansies can starve during the winter months even though the soil contains high amounts of ammoniacal nitrogen.
Reply:Compost your grounds outdoors for 3-4 months. Mix it with some soil and dry leaves. Grounds and tea by themselves are high in nitrogen and it would burn your plants if used alone. I suggest that you purchase a liquid fertilizer meant for flowering plants; it will have a high middle number indicating high phospherus which will yield brighter flowers on healthy strong stalks. The coffee/tea would give you vigorous leaves, but no flowers. Use insecticidal soap on the spider mites. Since you can't control the whole neighborhood, just spray down your plants one a month or so for the mites. You might introduce some lady bugs. These are purchased by the pound. Of course, they mature and fly away, but if there is a feast, many will stick around.
Reply:Well, everyone is using the coffee grounds and say they like it. But I also heard that they are acidic and if you put them in a compost you need to add lime. So I think you are going to change the pH of the soil if you use coffee grounds. You should compost them and then use the compost. I think you would be better off if you got your hands on water soluble miracle grow. It has everything your plant needs in it.
Reply:A couple of the answers you got here are partially right but not totally. They can lower the PH of the soil but usually not enough to matter and while they are high in N they can also tie up a lot of the N your plants use in there decomposing process and it can be enough to short your plants. Best idea is to compost them and then you get the N from them as well as a lot of other products.
Reply:I have used cold left over coffee on house plants for years. About once a week I take whatever is left in the pot (usually about 2 cups) and add 8-10 cups (my pot is 12 cups). Then add some to each of my plants. It seems to keep them healthy. I have never had fruit flies from them, but maybe I've been lucky!
Reply:Regular Miracle Gro is the best plant food/fertilizer to use. I work at a green house and this is strictly all we use. Follow directions on the bag. Most plants dont need as much as you think.
Reply:yes coffee grounds are wonderful fertilizer.
Reply:Used tea bags work better, or even tuna
Reply:yes i do it all the time

Non chemical bug killer/repellent for vegetable garden?

I plant tomatoes, cukes, radishes, and bell peppers. My bug attacks are from aphids, tomato horn worm, and spider mites. I used to use sevin dust. It works great, but it repels or kills everything including bees, which I want. I've heard of a mixture of dishsoap and water for a spray on the leaves. Got any suggestions?

Non chemical bug killer/repellent for vegetable garden?
Check out your local extension office... it's usually a branch of the local school of agriculture and they have experts and volunteers alike to answer questions. I went through their master gardener program and there was tons of info on organic cultural controls for bugs in the garden, from inspecting the bottoms of your squash leaves for eggs, to doing companion planting in order to reduce pest issues. Goodluck!
Reply:yes - you can make soap mixes to spray on them. May want to spray at night, so the leaves don't get harmed. There are all sorts of recipes available on the internet, though I got mine froma book called "Cheaper and Better." I'd pass on the recipe, but I can't find where I wrote it down at - if I do find it, I'll try to come back and post that for you..
Reply:Boil some hot peppers and garlic. Add the water to a spray bottle with a little more water and a couple drops of dish soap. Spray your plants with that to keep the bugs off. Of course you will have to spray them every couple of days or after it rains. But it works great.

opera music

Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess for Wii Question. Please Help! Playing now.?

Okay, so, i'm in the general time frame where you save all of the monkeys. i've gotten all four and now i'm dealing with explodospider problems. so you know the plants that you have to throw the spiders in to destroy? well, i've gotten the one that DOESN'T hide the chest. but how do i get the one WITH the chest that's farther down? is it just a timing thing? the bomb either explodes in my hand right before i chuck it, explodes into the wall, or explodes in midair (not really what i was going for!). and if i try to just jump the gap, the plant eats me and spits me back out! i'm playing the game right this minute and i seriously need an answer quick! any strats on how to get past this?

Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess for Wii Question. Please Help! Playing now.?
Okay, I'll try to be quick since you're playing now and come back and edit it for completeness in a minute.

Also, the plant is called a Deku Like, and the spider is called a Bombling (just to clarify my directions)

EDIT: Yes, I've personally tried I'm a bit confused. I'm going to have to check my map...

XD *sweatdrop* I'm fairly certain that you have to drop it in carefully. I guess I can't help you if this isn't working. Maybe you're just not doing it quickly enough...? XD It's really hard to give directions over the internet.
Reply:Well the other person took the words out of my mouth. Another solution if that dosnt work is to let it swollow you and then spit you into the room, just go towards the room as it spits you out in the air and if you do it right you can get in the room.
Reply:Come back to this room later, when you have the Boomerang.

When you do get the Boomerang, stand above the plant and target a bomb spider with it. You'll get the bomb in your hands. Drop it into the plant and it'll blow up.

Please help. A sudden Loss.?

My wife and I have are from Oklahoma and recently had a Seal-point Snowshoe Siamese in full black mask (robber mask) that passed away last Thursday night around 10:45 pm on August 2, 2007. It was a sudden death. He showed no signs of anything. He had just turned 5. It is very devastating and he (Buster Boots Bob Stoops) was like our child. He would walk with us everywhere around the house. He would always lie at our heads at night, talk in his gentle voice to us, sit on our laps and was very affectionate. We ended up letting him outside for the last three years for about 2 to 6 hours every day. He would come in at night. He seemed to stay away from danger and had his favorite place in the shade. He always looked at us sincerely to go outside. I wonder if it now a mistake. We found him at our doorstep in the garage as if he were sleeping like he normally does (so peacefully) as he was waiting to come in. He was still warm and very limp when I found him. There was no puke or blood anywhere to be seen. He had clear liquid that came out of his mouth and bottom after we had picked him up. I guess that is normal but still do not have any idea. We do not know if he got into any flowers, there was a sunflower like plant in the back yard and nothing else any where. We do not know if he was bitten by a spider black widow or brown recluse as we have them. I would assume that there would be some sort of swelling. Perhaps he was bitten by a mosquito or played with a mouse that was infected with d-con or something. Next door the neighbors cleared all of the bushes out and finally mowed. Maybe he was hit by a car, there were no broken bones and he would have had to jump a 6-8 foot wooden fence if that were the case. Could internal bleeding give him that much energy? I do not know, because there was no sign of blood anywhere. It was as if someone placed him in our backdoor inside the garage as he looked so peacefully. I doubt it though because the fence was locked. I regret that we buried him in a box the next day without giving him an autopsy. We buried him on a family farm in a box with his favorite needing blanket. A golf ball that he used to roll around (he also would follow me from hole to hole and rest in between or look around in between shots. When calling upon him, he always would lift his head and gently meow back at us and jump and run to catch up.) He also always greeted and meowed at us as we came home. Please help if you have any idea. It is very hard. He is a great loss and it feels as if a part of our heart is missing. He was too young to die. Of his past, he was caught up on all of his shots. We gave him treats and sometimes a piece of grilled chicken or a little piece of sliced ham lunch meat when making a sandwich for work. He was very picky. He always played with and chewed on sticker type paper and photographs. We would try to keep it out of his sight whenever possible. He had a sensitive stomach. He always regurgitated his food. We thought it was because of hairballs. Most of the time there was no hair there. A week or so ago, we found green vomit on the bed. To our dismay, we did not think much of it as he always puked undigested food out. Was it a mistake to do nothing? I keep asking only ifs and whys. It hurts so much. On his last day, he was rubbing around our feet as if he wanted a treat or to go outside. He used the rest room, ate some and drank a little water. The temperature was about 90 deg. He would go to his favorite resting place in under a bush in the front yard. He seemed perfectly normal.


-Could he have been hit by a car? There seemed to be no broken bones nor blood any where around the house on the road in the vicinity or in his mouth, ears, privates or nose. Would internal bleeding show any sign.

-Could he have been poisoned? There was no evidence in puking and his mouth looked clean and clear saliva came out of it and his privates only after we picked him up and inspected him.

-Could he have been bitten by a snake or spider? Wouldn’t there be any swelling?

-He lay peacefully as if he were comfortably sleeping in a normal position; however, his eyes were slightly opened. Is it normal for cats to look like that after they die?

Please help. A sudden Loss.?
I can't really answer any of your questions but, I can offer you some sympathy. Our two cats passed in January. It was a shock to both my boyreind %26amp; I. They were caught up with their shots. Then suddenly our little girl Pepo, got sick. She lost control of her entire back end, legs and all. The last two days of her life she stopped eating %26amp; dragged her little self around the house. We took her the vet %26amp; they said that she had feline aids. So we put her down. It wasn't long till her little fatty brother Tonto died.

When pets pass it's so sudden. Your never prepared to lose someone. I can tell you cared about your pet verry much. Even though his life was short, remind yourself of how he passed. It really sounds like he was ready for that one. I know it's hard. But that is what helped me.


Her little
Reply:I am very sorry. It kinda sounds like he had an ongoing problem with food and digestion. He could have had a blocked bowel or an obstruction. With his history i'd say it is very likely it was related to his eating and as he aged it just got worse.

You really shouldn't blame yourself! He sounds like a great cat and he had a GREAT life! Doesn't even sound like he suffered a bit!

I am very sad for your lose and hope you and your family all the best.

Reply:I am sorry for you lost. I recently lost my best friend too. I feel so guilty for many things. It helps me to hear from others that I did everything and I gave him the best love I could have. Please do not feel guilty. I might help to find out what happened, but do not feel guilty. The way you describe, seems as you loved him every much and even thought you have no real answer ... your family member that the best owners he could have
Reply:Trauma (such as a blow or a fall or a collision with a car) may result in internal bleeding that is not obvious. My 9 year old dog died when I was at work. I came home and found the dog dead at 11 pm when she was fine at 5. A necropsy revealed a small cancerous tumor of her spleen had ruptured, causing her to bleed to death internally. Her abdomen was filled with blood, yet none had left her body through nose, ears, or anus.

Poisons almost always cause some form of vomitus or hemorraghing. D-con or other rodent poisons cause the animal to bleed to death- but it ruptures blood vessels in the nose and trachea and colon so the animal is bleeding visibly.

A snake or spider bite or bee or wasp sting could kill without swelling if anaphylactic shock occurred. Sometimes people who are allergic to peanut butter or shellfish die before the swelling becomes too pronounced.

Lying in a normal position is not an indicator of a violent death. Eyes can be fixed in any position at the time of death. Based upon everything you've told me, I am inclined to believe that the cat died of something at least mostly painless. It is possible he experienced heart failure or a stroke or a brain accident like an embolism. He may have had a birth defect that you were unaware of.

Now, stop tormenting yourself. Without a necrospy you will not know. But, as it sounds like you are wonderful owners, you shouldn't go crazy with the 'what ifs'. It was your beloved cat's time and he was taken. It happens- my dog was only 9, remember? If you think his death may have been caused by anything you mentioned, then remove those factors from the environment of the next animal you bring home.

Grieve as long as you have to, laugh, rant, rage, then accept, remember fondly, and go adopt another friend to bring into your home and fill it with love.
Reply:The cat did have 5 GOOD YEARS.

He also got to enjoy the great outdoors and was not trapped inside, unable to roam.

I hope that we will get to see our pets again.

Thanks for the good cry.

JESUS Bless you,



.....@ @


Reply:Please don't torture yourself with ifs and whys, I am sure that your cat don't want you to do that. He is in a better place now.

An outside cat get into all kinds of trouble, eating anti freeze, poisonous plant etc. When you decide to get a new cat, please don't let it outside. I have 4 cats and they very happy to be inside cats. Inside cats also live longer.
Reply:I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I ponder if it's too late to do an autospy as another posted., Other posts had insight too.

I did find this:


Many cats die peacefully of natural causes or by euthanasia. Although this is expected or even planned, it can still be a shock when it actually happens. When a cat dies suddenly or unexpectedly or in an accident this is more traumatic for the owner and feelings of grief are compounded by feelings of anger and often guilt.

Following an accident of any kind it is all too easy to say 'if only I had done this instead of that', but you had no way of knowing that your cat would meet with misfortune. Try to think of the good times you enjoyed together and, although it is hard, try not to feel guilty about an event you could not have foreseen. Owners are not expected to be psychic and however hard you try to ensure your cat is safe, accidents do indeed happen. Cats are true free spirits, are notoriously curious and do not take kindly to being 'wrapped in cotton wool'.

Equally shocking to the owner is the sudden death of a cat. Most often this is due to a sudden stroke or heart failure or to an illness or condition where there were no symptoms for you or your vet to detect. Sometimes, unknown to the owner, a cat has been in an accident which left no outward marks, but which caused internal damage. A post mortem, should you request it, may identify the cause of death, but cats very occasionally die for no known reason (in humans this is called Sudden Death Syndrome). It is more upsetting if he was young and apparently healthy, but it is very possible that he had a birth defect, such as an abnormal heart, which led to his sudden and unexpected death. It is unfair to yourself to feel guilty at not noticing signs of illness if there were no signs to for you to detect, but you may wish to discuss the death with veterinary staff. They may not be able to tell you the cause of death, but they can often reassure you that you could not have anticipated or prevented such a sudden death.

Just as with euthanasia, you need to decide how to deal with his body if he has died in a road traffic accident. If the body of a cat is not collected from a roadside after several hours, the local Council's Cleansing Department usually collect it for incineration. If you find the sight of a body too distressing, a friend or neighbour may be able to help you or you could place a towel over it before moving it. If you cannot bury your cat, many vets will allow you to leave his body at the vet surgery where the body can be dealt with by the vet or be collected by a pet cemetery or pet crematorium if you make appropriate arrangements. The following will help you decide on a suitable course of action.

found here:

and this one too from there/


All cats die, whether from old age, accident, illness or euthanasia. Cats have a shorter lifespan than humans (the record age for a cat is 36 years) although most owners would like to think their cat is immortal, especially if he is hale and hearty in his late teens or beyond.

The death of a well-loved pet is on a par with the death of a human family member, despite what thoughtless people may say. Grief or anger are natural reactions to the death of an animal companion. Most people need time to come to terms with the loss of a close animal friend. Many seek consolation in remembering the joy that their cat brought them. Others find it harder to come to terms with pet bereavement especially if the cat had been rescued, nursed through illness or was their main companion.

No-one who has had to make the decision to euthanase a pet will deny that there are feelings of loss and perhaps guilt. However owners must take some comfort in having been able to be merciful to their loved pets. In a sense the owner has taken on the pain of a loving act of mercy in exchange for the suffering their cat has been spared from.

It sometimes helps to share your feelings, but people who have never lost a pet themselves may seem unsympathetic. Many GPs and religious ministers are now sympathetic to those who have lost an animal family member and can offer bereavement counselling. Suppressing feelings of grief is unhealthy and the Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS) runs a Pet Befriender Referral Helpline which can put you in touch with a Pet Befriender in your own area. Pet Befrienders understand just what you are going through, having experienced it themselves, and know that it helps to talk about your feelings after the death of a pet.

People with access to the Internet will be able to find Internet newsgroups where you can share your feelings with other bereaved pet owners e.g. rec.pets.cats, alt.animals.felines or one of the many bulletin boards or on-line forums which will be found using a search engine. There are also 'virtual cemeteries' where you can post up a message of remembrance for your pet. You may wish to place an obituary in a cat or pet magazine or even in a newspaper.



(Michael Hatwell, The Cat Magazine)

"praedilecta Sappho ibi nuper ascensa sic loquitu"

In case you have been wondering

Just how I am getting along

In my new surroundings

Or worry whether I have learned to cope

With the easy rhythm and pace

For which this place is renowned

Then listen: I have been chasing little mice again

Sweeter, lighter, infinitely more fragrant

Than any I ever brought into the bedroom

For your pleasure

In the old days.

That having been said,

I wouldn't for all the world wish you to infer

That they stint the grub up here:


The celestial fish are not especially exciting

(Their natural zodiac ripeness has had to be homogenised

for the general run of feline palates)

But on the plus side

The nice cat-lady who comes round,

All gowned in blue (my favourite colour)

And with glory crowned,

Pours out a warm and creamy whiteness

That is literally

Quite heavenly.

Someone usually remembers

To cut my claws

And tickle my ear

So that side of things is catered for,

One might say,

Adequately enough.

I think of you sometimes

Certain that you will come one day

To take me on your knee

And talk to me the way you used to.

When that day comes

I shall let you know

Loudly and unambiguously

That things round here have finally begun to go

Really very well indeed:

I shall add to ordinary space and time

My own particular dimension

Of thick, soft-throated sound.



"Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hill for all our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill or old are restored to health and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when your and your special friend finally meet, you cling to each other in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together........"


I am sorry for your loss =^^=

a beloved pet owner of Sandy

Reply:I am so so very sorry to hear of your loss. it sounds like you loved him so much. My thoughts and Prayers go out to you during this difficult time. It is hard to loose a beloved family pet, but to loose them suddenly and at a young age is even harder.

Without doing an autopsy you will never know what happened unless a neighbor saw something and they relay the info to you. I know how hard this next comment I am, going to make is. Don't beat yourself up over this, and asking yourself what if? Unfortunately it will not change what has happened, I wish for your sake it could. I have been down the same road you are going down right now, and believe me it is not easy. But some how you make it to another day, week, month and yes even year. It will get easier...... You will never forget and they remain in your heart forever. Hang on to the memories and the wonderful times you had together.

I will say one more thing which might help you. I had a dog 15 months old that got sick and died fairly suddenly. We did have the oportunity to run tests and see him hooked up to all kinds of equipment, while we watched him deteriorate. We did find out what he had. At the end we had to make that gut wrenching decision to say goodbye, but he was hooked up to a ventilator and I am not sure he even knew we were there. We did an autopsy.... even though we knew what was wrong with him we never knew what made him sick to begin with. So even after everything I still asked What If????? and Why???? So my point is that even if you had an autopsy done you might have not got the answers you wanted or needed. Sorry

Indoor cats for the most part have a longer life expectency, but that is not to say that outdoor cats can't live a long life too. Lots of people have outdoor cats, it is a personal decison. I have had 2 cats over the years and both were indoor cats, but one did like to go outside onto our deck and sneek out when ever the opportunity arised.
Reply:I am very sorry for your loss, but no-one answering here knows for sure what happened to your cat. It could have been an accident or natural causes. A vet is the only person who can determine this.

Please don't beat yourself up for allowing him outside. Pet owners who "don't care" will never experience the pangs of guilt. Only caring, responsible pet owners go through this agony.

Cats have no concept of lifespan, they live for the here and now, so it is quality of life that matters to them and not quantity. You sound such devoted owners, that I'm sure that every day of his life was filled with as much love and happiness as any cat could wish for.

Perhaps you might want to make a little grave for him with a marker, or plant a tree or flower in his memory. Or dedicate a memorial to him at the Rainbows Bridge web site.

He may be gone from your life, but he will always be in your heart.
Reply:im deeply sorry for your loss maybe he was ill all along im so sorry again
Reply:I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my 15 year-old cat Jasper (the joy and love of my life) a year ago in July. Words are hard to form when a cat has meant so much to you for so many years. I know the pain you are feeling.

As to the reasons for Buster's death, it would be hard to determine the cause without an necropsy (animal autopsy). Any of your speculations are valid and plausible. The release of fluid and the position of peaceful repose, eyes open, are perfectly normal when death occurs. Jasper exhibited those traits as well.

Of great help to me was a pet loss support group run by my local Humane Society in Rochester, NY. I found a pet loss counselor listed in Oklahoma City on-line: Virginia Miller, MHR, Bereavement Counseling, 5217 SE 82nd St., Oklahoma City, OK 73135, (405) 672-2625. Additional information on pet loss can be found at, which is an excellent site.

I don't know if this information is really helpful for the specific questions regarding the cause of your cat's death. That may never be known. My cat died a heart attack, which can be happen at any age (a friend lost his cat at age 2 to a heart attack). That might have happened to your cat, too. Heart disease in cats isn't a common cause of death, but it isn't uncommon either.

In time I hope you will heal enough to bring a new cat into your home. I have a new cat named Tucker and I obtained him through a rescue program. His personality and manner are very different from Jasper's, but he brought me healing and joy and I am grateful he is part of my life.

Bless you!
Reply:It sounds like antifreeze poisoning. I Am soo sorry. The only true wat to know is to take him to the vet for an autopsy.
Reply:Could have been both hit by a car or poisoned, accidentally or on purpose, the possibilities are endless. Outdoor cats have a lower life expectancy than cats who are safe indoors. Be happy he made it home to die at the doorstep and your not wondering where he is. Yes, it is normal. Sad but normal.
Reply:A sudden loss is due to back of vitamin. For more details visit
Reply:I'm so very sorry for your loss. You were obviously very, very attached to this little guy. Please don't beat yourself up about the why. It happened. You gave him a great cat life, even if it was short. Cats love being outside, so don't feel guilty about what happened. Again, I'm really sorry.
Reply:I am so so sorry for your loss. I can't possibly imagine how you are feeling right now.

I lost my kitten Tigger who was only 8 months old when a vet punched a nerve in his back when doing a rabies shot. He acted very weird and wouldn't eat. Then one morning he was walking funny and eventually lost control of his lower back and bladder. We finally gave him to the SPCA to give to a shelter for disabled animals. I don't even know if he's gone or just suffering. I just consider him gone because I have no idea what fate awaited him.

My assumption is that your cat had always had chronic indejestion. Usually when a cat has a hairball, you see orangish vomit with little furballs in them. Green vomit is a sign of stomach acid.

The liquid coming ouit of his mouth could be saliva.

Cats like humans sometimes die with their eyes open, so I'm guessing it's normal.

I doubt he was hit by a car. He wouldn't be able to jump the fence and internal bleeding or injuries would have enabled him to do nothing.

Also, did he have any recent shots that have affected him strangely?

I understand your feeling to know what really happened. It's too bad you couldn't have the autopsy done.

It really could have been anything, but think of it this way. He had a wonderful life, even though short, and is probably frolicking around with his golf ball in heaven. It's OK to grieve, but don't feel guilty. I did when our vet said that Tigger didn't really need a Rabies shot if he was an indoor cat, but I learned to accept the truth, but I still mourned.

Once again, I'm so sorry about your loss.

Good luck. I hope you will pass through these hard time.
Reply:I am so sorry to hear of your beautiful cat passing so suddenly. My heart goes out to you and your wife at this time. It's could be a lot of things that took him. Poisoning, hit by a car, bug or snake bites. An autopsy would have told you what he did die of.

He had a wonderful home, and I know you both loved him very much. I'm sorry I couldn't tell for sure what made your cat die so suddenly.

I am so very sorry for your loss. FWIW without an autopsy there is no way for people or anyone to be able to tell you why this happened. There is nothing to blame yourself for. I let my cats in and out like you but bring them in at night before bed. I have had a cat that lived past 20 going out.

You can't tell if her had been bitten because you wouldn't see swelling hours after it happened Could it have been food poisening, kidney disease? Possible. Internal bleeding? who knows. Also, cats vomit. You did nothing wrong
Reply:Travis scanned many questions on this site and I have to say your question has brought tears to my eyes and saddened my heart. I don't have any of the answers to the questions you've asked, but I do know how you are feeling...for whatever reason a pet is lost, it is a very traumatic experience if you really love them.

I have had the love and the loss of several pets in my lif ( dogs and cats) and every single one was unique in their own way...they have different personalities just like us humans.

One of my cats was killed by a car several years ago because he slipped out the door after we moved . I went through a major guilt trip thinking I was to blame because I did't watch him close enough. I mention this to you because I pray you will let go of the guilt of the many "only if's" you are feeling.

If you're questions remain unresolved, please remember the most important thing. From what you wrote, I'm positive that you're cat knew he was very much loved. You gave him a wonderful home and he loved you in return.

Believe me, I know from experience that it will take time to heal your heart...and even then you may have times when you still feel overwhelmed, but it will get better.

Some people rush right out and get another pet right away to fill the void. I could never do that...I had to go through a mourning period. But please don't be someone who can't ever have another pet because the loss is too great. There are MANY cats out there who need the love you have to give.

If what I've said hasn't helped you, I apologize. I wish I could tell you a few of my personal stories; not only of my personal pets I've lost, but of the ones that are strays at a factory where I used to clean.

I want to thank you for your question, because as much as you are hurting and looking for answers, you've answered a very big question for alot of people on this site....there REALLY are people out there that care.

For that, Travis, I thank you and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Resident evil Genesis [cell phone]: What do I do now??

I've just killed the spider, finished the 8 ball puzzle, etc. I haven't finished the gem puzzle, I killed the plant. I don't know how to open the library door and I don't know what to do now. Help!

Resident evil Genesis [cell phone]: What do I do now??
find the rest of the gems. there is a poem in your inventory that tells you the order put them in the chairs and the portrait will swing open and the contents of the safe will help you

The True or False Christmas quiz-Can you answer the questions below?

It's that time of the year,

1)We can trace the origins of the first Christmas card back to 1843.

2)The common Christmas plant Poinsettias is poisonous to humans

3)The Dutch were those who brought the Christmas tree tradition to the United States.

4)A traditional early English Christmas dinner was a pig's head with mustard

5)Connecticut was the first U.S. state to recognize Christmas as an official holiday

6)In Ukraine spiders and spider webs are a traditional part of Christmas decorations

7)The traditional hook-like red-white candy canes started out as straight white sticks.

8)As the song states, Christmas was once a 12-day celebration

9)The first use of electric Christmas lights was in the 1920's.

10)In Victorian England the Christmas turkeys wore boots as they were walked into London

The True or False Christmas quiz-Can you answer the questions below?
1) T 2) F 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) T 9) T 10) T
Reply:Little early for xmas, don't you think?









Reply:1. T


3. F

4. F

5. T

6. T

7. T

8. T

9. F

10. T

flowers birthday

I need help with twilight princess for wii!?

i am stuck i have lit up all the paths for the steps to open in the first temple....then i got the other monkey rescued....i beat the second big spider.....i opened all the doors....i went to all the doors....the one covered with the spider web is really annoying me what do i do do i kill the plant which is very big and in red color..every time i jump over it sucks me do i kill it? what do i do know in the game? how do i get a boomerang? plz answer get 11points

I need help with twilight princess for wii!?
Spider webs burn up when they catch fire, so use the lanturn. as for the plant's that suck you up, well they will suck on anything, encluding things that explode, there is a bombling near it (when the bombling see's you it straighteds it's legs so it's like standing up straight and you shouldn't miss it) hit it with your sword and it will start to well you know like start making that sizzling noice like it's started it's count down, well that's when you pick it up and bring it to the plant and throw it in. You can either do this at the place were you jump over it or right next to it. There are two of them in the room and one you cant get passed until you get the hook claw (found in the water temple). but the closer one is the one that you can take out. do that to advance to the room to save the monkey.

Hope that helps you out.
Reply:Zelda is one of the lamest games I know, but there are nerds like you that love it for some reason
Reply:You burn the spider webs with you lantern. You need to grab the moving bomb plants and throw them at the plants who like to eat you or other objects. Good luck!
Reply:Firemandan is right about the plants: kill them with the spider bombs that pop out from the holes. As for the boomerang, once you rescue four monkeys, head to the middle door, and cross the span, with help from the monkeys. Them, be prepared for a fight.

*fixed firemandan's name. sorry!*

What do my dreams mean?

My dreams always end the same way, their very strange. My dreams always end when I find out im going to die.

For example, I had a dream I went into these woods and touched a plant. When I told my mom (in the dream) she said, oh no, that means youre going to die. Then the dream ended.

Another example is when once in a dream I accidentally stepped on a giant spiders foot. The spider turned and looked at me and I knew it was going to kill me and then i woke up. I never actually reach being killed or anyone actually attacking me, but all my dreams end with me finding out its inevitable im going to die. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!

What do my dreams mean?
You could be having these dreams because you are thinking about death and fear it.Perhaps in your life you have had someone close to you die. The dream you had where your mother warns you about death could mean that you are doing something that your mother would not approve of. Stepping on the spiders foot is a bad omen, if you kill a spider in your dream there could be some bad luck coming your way.
Reply:It means you fear death and maybe a warning from the LORD.Read John 3:1-5 and Acts 2:38 and if you get a chance, visit a United Pentecostal church hon.The LORD can take that fear away and give you peace.
Reply:This reminds me of an episode of Boy Meets World.

Sorry I don't really know what your dreams mean, usually my dreams are about things that have been stuck in the back of my mind, like problems I'm avoiding or things like that.
Reply:I have this book about dreams and i looked.

It means....

To dream of seeing any of your people dead, warns you of coming dissolution or sorrow. Disappointment always follow dreams of this nature.


Dreaming about dying Foretells that you are threatened
Reply:Sometimes we do actually have psychic dreams that involve death, but only if there is a feeling attached to it. These dreams may indicate changes in you which may not all be positive (your mother says "oh're going to die". That is a negative change - if it were positive, she would be happy about the death.

Also, be careful who you are talking about. Stepping on a giant spider's foot would indicate you are going to "step on the toes" of one who is superior: either a boss or someone in a more superior position: probably a female as spiders are usually the female energy. Be careful what you say and do.

Plz read this. need answers! do you like this?

Royal Diaries of Clarentice


Savannah Lauren Adams

December 5, 1692

As my glass clear goblets all were

arranged in my palace, I began to wander

outside into the cream-colored roses lying

in a clear blue stream upon the greyest

day ever. It is Sunday evening and I

shall tell you that I am angry because my

father, Felis 23rd goes off to battle so often

that he probably can't even remember what

I look like. Everytime he goes off to battle

he brings home a new wife. Today he came

from a battle in France. This time he

brought back his 50th wife. Her name is

Deana Frose', and I have no intention of

being nice because today she told me that

my father had talked all about me and

then she called me Clarentine, when my

real name is Clarentice. Did my father

forget my name? Did Deana even try to

remember my name?

December 8, 1692

This morning I went outside and was most

hurt to see father kissing Deana. I do not

even want to finish this Deana thing, so

I will tell you something that helped me

forget. I just loved sitting by our eastern

brook, Kondus', as there was a beautiful

view of palm trees surrounded by

yellow Kihohckos which are blooming

blastfully. The Kihohckos' origin is in

Berlin, but brought to my home, Highston,

North Dakota by our Yugoslavian slaves.

These slaves were brought by father to

serve us or either to be killed. My hand

hurts so very badly, I'll write later.

December 13, 1692

I saw Deana last night and she

told my father that they should leave

Highston, North Dakota and rule other lands

like Miclos, Delaware or Krow, Massachusetts,

and that I should be beheaded so I wouldn't

be a worry while they'd be gone. Father

beheaded DEANA! He thought that she

was crazy, and that Deana loved me. Well

I am feeling marvelous, as I sit near a

mountain eating white cloverleaf and watching

a glacier far away be covered by shells blown

from a beach. I will tell you more interesting

stories later.

December 14, 1692

Father is going to battle in New Hampshire.

He told me that he is going to bring

me back the most gorgeous dresses I've

ever seen that had been made in Paris and

New Jersey. He said the dresses will be

made of spider silk and red wool! He also

told me that he will bring back a carriage

full of magnificent garden flowers to plant

by all of our brooks! My only fear is what

father's new 51st wife will be like. I'll write


December 21, 1692

It is twilight and the yellow leaves on the

trees glow brightly. Father isn't back from

New Hampshire. Since he's been gone I

have been mostly at our southwestern brook,

Hile'. Hile' has clean water that has a reflecting

white tint. I also have visited my northwestern

brook, Mod. Mod has the same white tint to it,

but is has alot of green dirt. I will write again.

Decmeber 25, 1692

We have many meals to celebrate today, but

father is not here yet.

December 26, 1692

Father is here, from New Hampshire! He has

brought back the most gorgeous dresses I've

ever seen. They have the softest silk ever, too! I

looked in the carriage filled with the magnificent

flowers and there were flowers that looked just like

the ones at Kondus'! There were ones that came

from Maryland and Kansas and they were the

prettiest to me. They were both white and blue

and they were called Greek Goddesses! Father

said he had won the battle and now owns

New Hampshire! I promise I will tell you

more about this later when I have the time!

Decmeber 31, 1692

Well, Father's new 51st wife is pretty nice so far.

Her name is Roseclarie Min. Roseclarie has black hair and blue eyes.

The only thing thats upsetting about her is that she has a

black and blue colored leg. I will write again.

January 1, 1693

Today I celebrated the new year by planting ALL

of the pretty flowers Father had brought from New Hampshire!

The Greek Goddesses all went by my most favorite brook,

Kondus'. I put the cream-colored roses by my second

favorite brook, Hile'. I only planted 2 plain flowers by Mod,

because it's my least favorite of all. The rest of the

leftover flowers were sent to my garden in another part of

my home, Mistate, North Dakota. I'll write again.

January 2, 1693

I am so mad at Roseclarie because she said she will

no longer let me go to any of my brooks because they're

"too far" away. Roseclarie was nice but, I'm ready for

Father to go to another battle so he can get another


January 4, 1693

I looked outside my window this morning and saw a

beautiful black and yellow Japaneses Golden bird.

January 8, 1693

Father is finally going to battle in Pennsylvania to help our

ally, Minnesota, take them over, but he hasn't ridden


January 9, 1693

Father has left for Pennsylvania and left Roseclarie with me.

January 15, 1693

I'm tired of Roseclarie, and I want father to come home.

January 16,`1693 My birthday

It is midnight and Father has sent a letter saying that he

wants Roseclarie out of the palace because he's already

found a new wife named, Kresa. YAY I'll write later.

January 17, 1693

Yesterday we celebrated my birthday and I got alot of

presents from Yugoslavian slaves and some peasants, it

enlightened me with joy, I also got a letter from Father

saying that he will get me carriages full of dresses and

gold, so I can't wait. Roseclarie didn't give me any

commands yesterday, she cried, but I think it was fake.

She is going to move out SOON!

January 22, 1693

My life is brightened because Roseclarie has moved out and

........... I get my beautiful flowery brooks back.


I went to Hile' and all of the cream-colored roses were

GONE. I am sooooooo ....... mad. I didn't have

time to go to Kondus', so I'm really anxious to

see if they're still there.

January 23, 1693

Here's a note Father has written that

makes me worry:

Dear Clarentice,

A Pennsylvanian has blinded me with his sword

so I will probably not be back soon because I

need to heal.


Felis XXIII P.S. Tell everyone.

This is a worry to think about, but he really

did remember my name and this makes me feel

treated! I'll write again.

January 29, 1693

I didn't go to the brooks today because I was

too busy thinking about Father. Father has sent many

letters and his one today said that Kresa will be arriving

tomorrow. Father said he needs to stay in Pennsylvania because

they are healing him with a new ingredient, marroon

eculyptus leaves. I wander what she'll be like. Some travelers

from Normandy came along our road and told us that they

were greeted by some beautiful green eyed, brunette haired

friendly woman that looked like she was in one of my

Father's royal limebur carriages. Father's limebur carriages

are extravagant because of the beautiful wood and of course

the limebur itself, which is green and white hardened clay

rocks that also have a very rare color of purple. Anyway,

since I am sitting in my raggedy recliner that I'd got

as a baby, I am thankful for everything, especially my

Father and this recliner. My recliner is raggy, but it is

more comfortable than a chair that has thousands of

feathers in it. I will write tomorrow.

January 30, 1693

Today Father came back instead of Kresa! Father

decided to say good-bye to Kresa for a divorce.

He divorced Kresa because she wanted to stay

and help other hurt people in war and battle

heal. Father let Kresa have and control

Pennsylvania because he still loved her but

divorced her anyway to come back to me. Father

and me were so happy to see each other and he

gave me birthday presents that were the most

marvelous filled carriages ever and Father and

me had fun in our palace that day, and he

promised that every other war or battle he went to,

I would definitely come to spend time in all other


The End

Plz read this. need answers! do you like this?
that's really good, i liked it!
Reply:who in the world would want to read that all???
Reply:too much. pretty good though. lol'ed a couple of times
Reply:omg lol.that was long but worth it.

Getting rid of spiders in my bedroom?

i woke up this morning an found a huge *** spider it was like 1inch or 1 1/2 it had huge legs. Any one know a way to keep em away from room an killem any plants stuff like that a spray that kills em or keeps them away

Thanks best anwser gets 10

Getting rid of spiders in my bedroom?
to kill them the flat sole of a shoe works wonders......;)
Reply:Today I went TO the Doctor with A large SPIDER BITE ON MY LEG. The Doctor GAVE ME some ANTIBODIES.

OK You buy "bounce" dryer sheets and place them in various places in your room. Also a can of hair spray (do not spray into a open flame) Spray directly on the spiders.

Hopefully this will decrease the spider population.

Good luck! I hate spiders!
Reply:Moth Balls help a lot. Place them and hang them around the house. If you have a young cat, they love to eat spiders but caution - Some spiders are poisonous.

Sweep under your bed and spray an environmentally safe bug spray then toss a couple of moth balls under your bed.

Take care when using them though for they can cause harm to pets and small children if ingested.

Take care.
Reply:bug spray
Reply:I get big spiders at my house trust me i hate spiders!!!! =(

I use the Raid Ant spray and it kills them!!! =) You should try that its cheap and easy, or they might have Raid spider spray?Also I get the spray that you do all on the out side of your house for spiders and bugs and it really helps. I hope it works for you!!

Dog Teeth

What plants or extracts react to indicate amphibians in the vicinity?

I forgot some plant extracts will repell them selves away from things such as toads and frogs. I think some gums react like chewing gum extracted from gum trees will pull away from spiders and frogs or when place a wad on a pine cone well spin around when a frog is present. But there use to be some plant that violently reacted when ever a frog was present and swordsmen use to put it on there scabbard and it would tip the sword on a frog. Thats the one I want I havent seen it around for years. Or if you have a class and subclass that this reaction to amphibians fall under in botany terms.

What plants or extracts react to indicate amphibians in the vicinity?
Growth of the chytrid fungus Batrochochytrium dendrobatidis in parts of Central and South America and Queensland killing Frogs.

Some blue green algae like Microcystis aeruginosa secretes neurotoxins-microcystins, which kills the herbivorous larvae of frogs.
Reply:Wow that's something I'd like to know also. I have never known any plant extracts that reacted to amphibians or insects. I know several that repel insects and animals. but not react to thier presence.

Help! I feel too scared to open the windows in my house??

I have moved to a new house recently, and at first everytime I opened any window's in the house, a butterfly or some sort spider like a dandilion would come flying in the house.

I'm soo afraid of spider's and butterfly's and feel very guilty and scared killing them. So now I dont even open the window's in my house (not even bathroom window, so, the fan in their is very handy!!!)

I think it's because there's too many plants in my garden's (front and back), do you think getting rid of the plants will reduce the butterfly's and spider's coming around my house? Also any other suggestions, cause I really want to open the window's in this hot weather, but too scared!

I know some of u will say I'm very nasty hating the creatures, but it's a fact, I've tried telling myself this too that they are living creatures, but still I'm too scared, please help.

Help! I feel too scared to open the windows in my house??
Buy some screens. If your windows aren't made to have screens, you can still rig something yourself. A couple of 1X4's made to the windows size and some screen material and screw them to the frame. Depending on your windows you can staple some screening to the window frames. It wouldn't matter is you removed all your plants, bugs will still be around and find a way into the house.
Reply:You must not be afraid of nature,read a book and learn about them and then they will become your friends
Reply:Put screens on your windows...
Reply:there is a product available that emits a high pitched sound(in audable to humans and fish)i seen it on qvc ages ago! good luck!!!!!!!!! i also gets rid of any other insect and rats.(im not implyin u have rats lol)
Reply:Hi, I know exactly how you feel cause I'm the same but with wasps. I can remember what it was like sitting inside on a sweltering hot day wanting to open the window for some fresh air. So instead off paying all that money on screens the best thing to use is dress netting from a material shop I always buy white but there's lots of colours to chose from and its quite cheap about £2-£3 for a metre. Cut the net into the required size and stick to the window frame with either a glue gun or use that velcro you can buy that is sticky on the back you only need to stick the rough velcro to the window frame and the net sticks to that. But remember to leave slightly slack where the handle is to open window. Good luck and I hope that wasn't to confusing x
Reply:Use screens on your windows.There are the portable kind that fit most windows.They stretch out from both ends.

I don't mind butterflies and spiders but I hate bees and I'm petrified of them.Therefore,I sympathize with you.

There are screens in every window of my house.
Reply:1) You can use some shelter to cover the windows.

2) You also can you salt to put it on your side of the windows.

Reply:why are you so afraid of them? try hypnotism dont get rid of your flowers. bees need them.
Reply:Have you thought about some nice blinds or very light lace curtains. You can also buy streamers for your back door. they come ready made. Just hang them up tie them back when not in use. They are made of plastic , so easy to clean. and also very colorful
Reply:Install window screens. Or just buy the cheap sliding/adjustable screens that you put in an open window. The window sits on top of the screen to hold it in place. This way you can open your windows and enjoy the breeze without worrying the bugs will come in.
Reply:Get a net curtain put up or some blinds so they wont fly in!!!
Reply:If you have sockets near your windows why not try buying plug in adapters that discourage insects from coming near.

This morning my dog had thrown up a foamy yellow vomit and had army green diarreah! It isn't his food, help!

This is the second time he did this. He did it last night in my sisters room. So she put him downstairs in the pantry. I came downstairs cause of a weird smell and there was poop everywhere! Some parts the poop were runny, dark brown with some blood. Some parts looked like sand, had pieces of his food in it and were dark green and the yellow vomit was just foamy! He probably went 3 or 4 times during the night time. He likes his food and licks the floor a lot. My sister thinks maybe he licked a cleaning substance or maybe ate a foreign plant from somewhere in the yard. I think maybe he ate a spider? I don't know but his little tummy is hurting. =-(

This morning my dog had thrown up a foamy yellow vomit and had army green diarreah! It isn't his food, help!
If your pet hasn't had its vaccinations for parvo virus,this could be a sign of such,but if it is still eating good ,replace its water with the baby non-flavored pediolyte,this will replace any electrolytes it has lost with the diarrhea,then boil some chicken,cut into small pieces,put in blender and puree,this will usually check up the diarrhea.It could be as simple as your pet needs deworming,but would suggest that you don't deworm til the diarrhea checks up some.Also give your pet a dab of plain honey on its tongue,this will elevate its sugar level,as it is probably low from the enpty stomach.The pediolyte will settle its stomach also.You can also give your pet about 1/3 teaspoon of pepto bismol for the diarrhea.If this doesn't help ,suggest seeing your vet ,as internal parasites can cause diarrhea,and meds for such will be required.
Reply:My dogs do this when they have tummyaches including a little bit of blood from irritation. I give them white rice with boiled chicken diet for a few days then slowly introduce food again., Since this is the first time it's happened to you, I would recommend also contacting the vet. They may want to see him plus samples.
Reply:if you have a vet around call them it is parvo. my cousins dog did the same thing keep and eye on him. and if it is parvo other dogs can catch it. go to google and typ in parvo syptoms. if you don't know what it is just go there and learn. it is deadly.
Reply:Aww poor doggy take it to the vet!!

Hope it gets better!! :)

Reply:what kind of dog is it??

i have a shih-tzu and he's eleven yrs old and know others with shih-tzu's that throw up bile on occasion. when i saw my vet about it, she examined him and said he was just one of those dogs and not to feed him hard to digest foods. or when he occasionally goes off his food or eats grass he will throw up bile.

he also gets diarrhea occasionally that is REALLY stinky. not often. maybe once every couple of years and usually its from human food someone fed him. he will get runs with blood if someone feeds him steak.

if the poop was BLACK then that's when you have to worry the most. it is a sign of internal bleeding. a little smears of blood usually just means the intestines are irritated.

i tell people NOT to feed him stuff but sometimes they don't listen and occasionally if i'm not right on the ball someone will slip him something like pieces of steak or BONES!!! i never, ever give him bones. after eleven years MOST people know to ask me first but new ppl just give it to him and then i have to chase him around trying to get it back. lol.

because this is NEW with your dog and COULD be from something else like poison, i would get him to a vet and have him checked out asap. just to be on the safe side.

i wish you and your pup the best. please let us know how he does?
Reply:My dog occasionally vomited yellow stuff but we always thought she had been eating grass, but he needs the vet he might have something stuck in his gut that's causing him to be like this, and getting sick and pooing is probably the way his body is trying to heal itself.
Reply:probably was something he got happens cuz dogs eat everything...keep an eye out for the next day or two, if he acts strange then take him to the vet...if he acts pretty normal it will probably work itself out of his system...
Reply:My dog does this from time to time. From eating things like leaves. But I have never seen Blood. Thats not good you need to take him to the vet asap. I hope he feels better:(
Reply:my dog eats the grass out side alot they say its like a medicine ,it make them bring up this yellow /green foamy vomit .